Niger boasts approximately 76,470 square kilometers of land, of which 85% is deemed arable Niger State, where the land paints itself green Its a testament to nature's bounty and the heart of Nigeria's agricultural prowess Niger State is home to three hydroelectric dams that supply electric power to Nigeria The region boasts a youthful population with over 50% of individuals under 25 years old These young individuals are characterized by their energy Technological prowess, and entrepreneurial spirit The lush, green landscapes of Niger State are a living canvas Showcasing the rich agricultural traditions and vibrant growth of the region In Niger State, the land is a symphony of green Where agriculture flourishes and nature's splendor is ever-present |

Our Story

NIGER STATE INVESTMENT PROMOTION AGENCY is saddled with the responsibility of coordinating investment activities in the state, which includes investment promotion, encouraging sustainable investor relations, advocating for favorable investment policies, driving investment promotion and providing aftercare services to existing investors.

The Agency is also mandated to attract both foreign and domestic direct investment (FDI and DDI) as well as other businesses along SME value chain development in all sectors of the economy.

Key Sectors


Niger State has an established, efficient, and profitable agriculture sector that occupies a central position in the state’s agricultural value chain..


We offer shared infrastructure, including processing units, storage facilities, and packaging centers , to help lower costs for individual investors and make the entire production.

Extractive Industry

The extractive industry encompasses the exploration, extraction, and processing of natural resources such as minerals..


The services sector in Niger offers a wealth of investment opportunities, particularly in the areas of tourism, ICT and health. These sectors are poised for significant growth.


The manufacturing industry in Niger state offers vast investment potential, driven by abundant raw materials and a growing skilled workforce.


0 Billion
Jobs Created
Ongoing Projects

Why Niger


Under the leadership of His Excellency, Alhaji Mohammed Umaru Bago, the Niger State Government is committed to attracting investors.

Access to Funds

The Niger State Government has prioritized providing access to funds to support investments.

International Boarder

Niger State’s international border at Babana with Benin Republic provides a strategic advantage for investors

Internal Boarder

With internal borders adjoining six other states – Kwara, Kogi, Zamfara, Kaduna, Kebbi and the FCT Abuja

Favorable Climate

A favorable climate provides an excellent environment for agricultural and industrial activities

Green Economy

Under the leadership of His Excellency, Alhaji Mohammed Umaru Bago, the Niger State Government recognizes the potential
