Power/ Energy

Power generation presents one of the most prospective and profitable investment opportunities, with Niger State being recognized as the Power State of Nigeria.

There are three primary areas for investment in the power sector: Generation, Transmission, and Distribution. Investors can choose to focus on any of the available power generation alternatives, including:

1. Hydropower Potential:
The hydropower potential in the country stands at approximately 14,000MW, comprising large, medium, and small hydropower schemes.

Large Hydropower:
There are 26 large hydro potential sites scattered across the country, such as:
• Mambilla: 17,342GW
• Lokoja: 8.54GW
• Onitsha: 3.25GW
• Makurdi: 4.75GW

Small Hydropower:
There are 25 small dams across the country capable of generating about 30MW when converted to hydropower plants. Examples include:
• Oyam and Ikere Gorge (both in Oyo State)
• Bakolori (in Zamfara State)
Ecosystem Development:

2. Coal-Fired Power Generation:
The estimated coal reserve is over 2 billion metric tons. A total of 12.8 million tons of sub-bituminous coal can power a 10,000MW plant for 30 years.

3. Renewable Energy:
The Renewable Energy Master Plan targets an installed capacity of 500MW for solar PV by 2025.

Additionally, the Nigerian government aims to generate 30% of total energy from renewable sources by 2030, with an estimated 20% of electricity generated coming from renewables by that year. Prospects include:

• Manufacture of solar panels
• Capacity building in the field of renewable energy Technologies
• Supply of renewable energy equipment and Accessories
• EPC contracting in renewable energy projects Location

4. Gas:
Opportunities include gas gathering for domestic and export use, gas transportation, and the provision of pipeline surveillance against vandalism.